Monday, March 29, 2010

Re: Intention

Tonight during yoga, the teacher prompted us to set our intentions as we began our practice. Yoga teachers always do this and usually my intention is simply to stay present, as this is usually enough of a challenge--as before-mentioned, I am easily distracted. Tonight, however, I thought I'd try something a little different. So tonight I set my intention a little broader.

As briefly discussed in my previous post, I'm working on ridding myself of some shiny objects. I'm working on perhaps making a decision about what it is that I want and then I'm working on being intentional about making that thing work. (Okay, so maybe I might already know what I want...but I digress). Tonight I set the intention to learn how to care. Not to care about someone, but to really care for someone.

Although I've perhaps have been waiting around for this "care" to develop on its own--magically burgeoning out of daisies and two-buck Chuck--I'm beginning to realize that it will probably may require intention. So, what does it mean to care for someone? To be selfless and vulnerable? [Insert laden silence as we wait for our answer]...

Geez, I dunno. But I'm working on it.

Why? Well, because it might be worth it and in all, it is the only kind of relationship I can see myself in the long run.

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