Right now there are quite a few outstanding women (and men) candidates in really tough races - races that will take the participation of their future constituents to win. But there's the rub: it's really effing hard to get everyday people interested in lower-level political races. While everyone turns out during the Presidential election year, it's tough as undercooked chuck to get folks' attention in the interim.
So, here's my argument as to why paying attention to who is running in your district (Senate, House, state legislative, etc...):
Wait, I don't even need bullet points for this because it's pretty damn simple.
THE PEOPLE THAT WE ELECT (via our vote, or our non-participation) GET TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT OUR LIVES.
When it's all said and done, you will be subject to these lawmakers' and law enforcers' conclusions, so we'd better make sure we fight the good fight to ensure that our voice is heard.
I know, I know. General election day is months away, but there are still some primarys to be won and none of the races are finished. Check out these candidates and then do something (give money, volunteer, learn more, spread the word, etc...):
Jennifer Brunner of Ohio for U.S. Senate
Robin Kelly of Illinois for State Treasurer
Kamala Harris of California for Attorney General
Terri Sewell of Alabama for U.S. Congress
This is also why we should fill out the census - the numbers make the decisions for our futures too!