Maybe the best things in life aren't things...but here some of the best things!
1. Kink Curly Curling Custard
Because there are so many new natural hair products out there for women of color, I'm always cheating on this stuff. But, like a lame-ass dude, I always come back. It really is the greatest styling product for curly hair...the bestest (Nicki Minaj voice)
2. Vegetarian Nachos...
In order of assembly: Tortilla chips, refried black beans, shredded cheese, sautéed mushrooms and spinach (these are the most important parts!), fresh tomato salsa (refrigerated section of the grocery store...yeah, the one with the expiration date), sour cream...
It's good - trust.
3. Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Body Wash & Unscented Moisturizing Cream
Both are really pretty fantastic and cheap - $3.99 each, I think. The bodywash leaves you feeling so fresh and so clean, but not squeak-like. The lotion is thick, but not greasy and lasts all day (but has it's hard to get the last 1/4 out of the bottle)...but that's workable.
4. Jam Jar Sweet Shiraz (Wine...)
I love shiraz and I love sweet wine...BONUS! A really yummy sweet shiraz...and it comes in a cool bottle...and it's a twist-off! Easy access.
5. Janelle Monae!
Um, yeah...she's awesome (girl crushing....). She's gorgeous. She can really sing. She dresses androgynous. She's got great hair. 'nuff said...
A blog of randomness from the brain of a whimsical but earnest Black outlet for the thoughts that frequently occasionally clutter her brain...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
On letting go and making room for good things...
So, I unexpectedly find myself with a really good thing...actually, a really great thing.
I went somewhere random on a whim and engaged in a conversation just for the fun of it really and the rest is well...just what it is - goodness.
It was the day after this whimsical experience that I let something go, not to replace it with something else, but because I simply recognized that something had to give, even if there wasn't anything at all to fill the space left behind. But, you see, I had to release the one to experience the other, it was just the way of things. It didn't feel good at the time and was actually horrible and frightening and sad, but it opened up the space needed for what was to come next.
Some things just aren't good. Some things are painful and uncomfortable (not in a productive way) and ambiguous and other not good things that are bound to eventually outweigh any goodness that might be in them. We hold on to and sometimes even hoard these things (people, relationships, feelings, thoughts, etc...) for all sorts of different reasons that I won't speculate on here, but I'm a believer that we shouldn't. When something isn't good (or at least mostly good), let it go.
Let it go and make room for those good things that might come unexpectedly or in time or tomorrow or with patience and hope...I dunno. Just make sure that when a good thing comes to you, you are not too cluttered to receive it.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Things that just aren't cute (Part III): Silly Women
Women are socialized to be silly. Mary Wollstonecraft made the case in the 18th century and unfortunately it’s still true. Why? Good question. Maybe because we are still taught that femininity = sugar and spice and everything nice and nothing substantive, and although most women bust through this paradigm, we all occasionally have lapses. ‘Tis true and I’ll own up. However…there exists those women who are consistently and perhaps, hopelessly, silly – through and through.
**Note the tense…there is method to the madness. Get it?
***Being equal opportunity and all, also note that silly men inhabit the categories in the first two “things that just aren’t cute” posts…I’m not being a hater
Bending over backwards to please a man that (1) doesn’t really like you and (2) just likes to be bent over backwards for
There is nothing wrong with working towards making the person you’re with happy and comfortable, but pulling out all the stops for someone that isn’t at all invested in you is just sad. Don’t do it. One can argue all day and night that women are no longer socialized to please men, but the argument crumbles next to fact that you just heard (from a silly girl friend or an opportunist
That’s right…no more fried chicken, back rubs, rides to work, and you know what else for dudes that don’t even have enough interest in (or respect for) you to take you out on a date.
Chasing after or allowing oneself to be chased by a taken man
I was going to write “unavailable” men, but men can be unavailable for many reasons – some of which are subtle enough to get the best of us. But some aren’t so subtle…like wives and fiancés and girlfriends. Word. Whether a woman is predator or prey to a taken man, just entertaining him as a would-be love interest/sexual partner is enough to move her into the realm of the ‘silly woman.’ Some men stray –
Unfortunately, it’s a given…but that’s never an excuse to act a damn fool and participate in it. By messing with a taken man you’re not only sabotaging your own integrity, but you’re also behaving in a way that violates the frickin GOLDEN RULE! No bueno. Karma is a bitch…and if you choose to dip into someone else’s pot – so are you.
Being mean and otherwise unpleasant to anyone that isn’t a guy you are interested in
Silly women are often unpleasant women not because they are silly, but because unless you’re a man they want to impress, they aren’t so nice. It’s like they have a limited capacity for kindness that they reserve for catching men (who, once caught, will no longer benefit from it). These women are often mean to other women (who they see as they enemy), to men they aren’t attracted to, to their restaurant servers, their coffee baristas...geez, they even kick puppies (but only when cute boys aren’t looking). They are the women that live out their relationships being catty and petty and competitive with other women and who mercilessly shoot down and below the belt when approached by a guy she’d rather not talk to. Silly women don’t understand the value of caring for others (in acts or words or otherwise) if there isn’t something obvious in it for them.
Okay, I’m done venting. Let’s keep it moving….
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Things that just aren't cute (Part II): Being an out-of-character asshole...

We all have our moments...those times that we wish we could erase or at least forget about in which we have acted like total asses. It happens and usually it's forgivable. However, there are those instances where a douchebag move is and should be a dealbreaker.
1. Telling lies or other "non-truths"
Tell no lies. Just don't. Using the excuse that people don't like to hear the truth or aren't ready for the truth or some other nonsense like that is just that, nonsense. Of course there are times when the truth is something that we don't want hear and it makes us angry or sad, but that doesn't mean most reasonable people don't appreciate it - even if only in retrospect. Telling the truth means providing other people with accurate information from which to make decisions. When you lie you essentially taking another's ability to make an informed decision about you, that's no good...actually, it's fraud.
2. Fighting unfairly
Cardinal rule of interpersonal relationships should be to always fight fairly. There will always be disagreements and maybe even fighting, but you gotta be grown-up enough to fight on the up-and-up. Which name calling, no lying (see above), no using the words "always" and "never." There could be more said here, but I'll keep it basic and leave it at that.
3. Being sexist
Not cute = Dudes, who are otherwise progressive and reasonable, caught in the act of telling sexist jokes, hating on women as a group, blaming women for their own interpersonal pathologies, etc... Sexist behavior doesn't make you look like a "man," it makes you look ignorant, pathetic, whiny and just basically like a sexually frustrated guy who can't get any. Lay off the women, they are not your are.
4. Being decidedly not-chivalrous
No one needs anyone to wisk them away on a white horse, but that doesn't give you a free pass at common decency. Give up your seat on the
Anything to add?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Things that just aren’t cute (Part I): Grown-ass men dudes acting like underage frat boys…
*Idris Elba is fine...but would not be nearly as fine stumbling around like a San Diego State freshman...not like he would, or anything. Right, Idris?
A buddy of mine is currently living it up in Vegas for a few days and this morning I got a 9am text telling me that he had yet to go to bed and how hard he goes in the “mutha f*ckin paint,” among other things…SMH. Dude is 33. This is so uncute…
While I get that everyone at every age needs to let loose and get wild from time to time, this shouldn’t be an excuse to regress back to the nonsense of freshman days past. You might have been cool back then, but fellas…that look no longer fits – kinda like that post-college interview suit. Goodwill it and get something new, like age appropriate behavior.
This doesn’t mean you need to walk around
Most goings-on are fair game, but how about we avoid these:
1. Public drunkenness
So you’re grown, you have a job, you have a mortgage, you handle your business – why are you trying to hard to look like you don’t? Huh?
2. Macking (or worse) on women that either appear too young for you or who are trying to appear too young for you…
Either way, this is problematic.
3. Nostalgically clinging to the “good ol’ days,” of which you hardly remember.
Word: If your early 20s were the best years of your life, maybe you should evaluate your life. Partying hard and living it up is a fun way to bide your time as you are working to get your ish together…so that you can actually live it up. If, at 28-33, you already looking to the past and not the future, well, you have some pondering to do…
4. Bragging about how hard you can party…
Dude – you are almost middle aged. No one in your age cohort is impressed by that anymore and…no one cares.
What am I missing?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I don't want to give you up either...Corinne Bailey Rae's "Closer"
*If only the lyrics to this song actually worked. Damn...smh
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